
Northfield is indeed home to "Cows, Colleges, and Contentment" but what about preschools? Your little sweetie may be brilliant but may not yet meet all the entrance requirements of Northfield's local colleges. So, what educational opportunities does it have to offer the leaders of tomorrow? And when you find them, what should you look for in their preschool program?

George Washington once said, "Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful, and most noble employment of man."  Indeed, mankind would struggle to survive without the dedicated efforts of farmers everywhere.  To help all Americans better understand the hows and whys of agriculture within our society, the Agriculture Council of America celebrates National Ag Day every March.  What better way to join in the celebration March 21 than to sup

One year ago a film crew came to Northfield and now we have the opportunity to see the movie on the big screen. It will be shown on November 3rd at 7pm at the Middle School.

See all the details in the Northfield News article.

Watch the trailer for a quick glimpse

It?s October and that means pumpkin time down on the farm. Piles of pumpkins and pick your own apple orchard; wagon rides, petting barnyard, games, corn stalk tunnel, and more await at Nelson?s Apple Farm in Webster. Or take a stroll through the beautiful flower and water gardens at Fireside Orchard & Gardens in Northfield. Visit their antique tractors, then stroll through their store for cider, donuts, apples and special farm baked treats.

Guy Clark said it best??Ain?t nothin? in the world that I like better/Than bacon & lettuce & home grown tomatoes?? Ask current CSA members and they are likely to agree, especially if their home grown tomatoes come from a local CSA farm.

It's shaping up to be a strong year for the real estate market in the south Metro area. Here are four reasons why Northfield buyers and sellers should be optimistic for 2015, and one reason to worry.

An annual clean up day occurs every September organized by the Cannon River Watershed Partnership and sponsored by many local companies. Get a group together from your business, church, neighborhood or just sign up by yourself. Bring your family!

One of my favorite events during Defeat of Jesse James Days in Northfield is the Vintage Baseball game, held on Saturday at 1pm during the festival.

If you like tractors, old engines, flea markets, and good times, you'll want to check out this local festival held around Labor Day and Memorial Day each year.

Northfield scores again, this time ranking high on the list of safest cities in Minnesota.