Happy New Year!
Another year of fun and adventure awaits the hardy Minnesotan, whether native born or transplanted from afar. For all, there are lakes and parks to enjoy, ice fishing and festivals, tater tots and Vikings' games, and more. Check this blog for future notes on seasonal events and community happenings in 2017.
But, what exactly does it mean to be a Minnesotan? Is a Minnesota zip code all it takes? Is it a love for the outdoors? Or belonging to a tight-knit family or community? Could it be an independent spirit or having an affinity for hot dish?
Steve Warkel offers insights in his video Minnesota Stereotypes. Check it out and see how close he comes to describing a true Minnesotan at heart, dontcha know. And, Happy New Year, eh? You will find the video at http://www.movoto.com/guide/mn/minnesota-exactly/
Credit: Vikings graphic from crazywebsite.com Ely Fish from pinterest Ice Climbing from pinterest