Clean the Cannon River

An annual clean up day occurs every September organized by the Cannon River Watershed Partnership and sponsored by many local companies. Get a group together from your business, church, neighborhood or just sign up by yourself. Bring your family!

You can clean the river alongside many other members of the community by picking up trash along the paths, trails, or even by canoe. There are several sites in Northfield and surrounding communities.

Ever since I was little I've been picking up trash in my neighborhood, parks and rivers. It's been important to me that nature have the best chance it can to thrive and grow naturally without things like plastic and glass bottles getting in the way. And who doesn't prefer a view of the woods without trash? Helping with the clean up day was a lot of hard work, but pulling the rusty barb wire fence out of the hillside and hauling bags of garbage to the dumpster sure makes a difference. Consider the steps you can take to keep the world around you looking good, for yourself, others and the critters in the woods.