Small Town Mottoes

James Lileks of the Star Tribune thinks that "every town should have a motto. Something to put on a sign on the outskirts" of town, something that expresses the aspirations and beliefs of its residents. I agree. Take Northfield, for example. It reads, Cows, Colleges, and Contentment, first adopted in 1914. It describes Northfield's roots in agriculture - wheat, corn and dairy; its commitment to higher education with the establishment of its two colleges, Carleton College and St. Olaf College; and its desire to provide a climate for contentment, that elusive element everyone seeks In life.

Northfield remains committed to these same aspirations today, providing opportunities to learn, grow, dream, and share with others what they have gained within their own community. So, how are they doing? What role do current residents or YOU for example have in making this happen? Want to learn more?

Here are two links to look at:

The Blogoshpere at and This is Northfield at

Credit: Northfield Motto from