Meet the new kid on the block

Meet the new kid on the block

Northfield Curbside Composting 

Composting - coming to a curb near you. If you garden or subscribe to a local CSA then composting may be old news. But for everyone else, what to do with all that garbage you generate may be a daily chore.
Garbage by definition is waste, food or otherwise. For the average household, that includes anything no longer needed or valued and its packaging. Reusable items may be donated. Some containers may be repurposed. Most containers may be recycled via container deposits, recycling centers, municipal curbside pick-ups or fundraising drives. What is left is garbage, usually the organic, spoiled, and soiled kind. Who takes that?
Now, thanks to the initiative of four young Northfield entrepreneurs and their team of volunteers, Northfield Composting will. For $6.50 per month, they will provide collection containers for your food scraps (including meat and dairy), soiled paper (no plastic), and acceptable yard waste collected weekly. This new curbside service is a non-profit that will "coordinate community volunteers and community control over the operations and a worker co-op to facilitate the business operations among the employees." (
Service is slated to begin this spring. Information and sign-ups are available at their website Read more about this new venture here.