Homebuying 101

The purchase, inspection, appraisal and closing.

This type of loan is getting more expensive on October 1, 2015, so if you're considering it, now is the time to save some money.

No one wants to see a deal fall through, it can be frustrating and nerve wracking, and sometimes for avoidable reasons. Getting a buyer and seller to agree to price and terms can be like pushing nails through a clogged faucet, but if by some miracle you don't spring a leak during negotiations, there's still the escrow period to fret about.

Judgments, Divorces, Case Numbers, Legal Filings... all these could be headaches for a closer, buyer or seller.

After getting through the whole process of the real estate transaction, you find yourself reviewing and signing your closing documents. A sometimes giant stack of papers with words (so many words!) that you don't understand, and also, you don't even read. 

Should I get an owner's title policy? 

I'm not an attorney, so I can't give you legal advice, but yes, you probably should, and here's why.

It's been happening more and more this year that if one buyer likes a house, there happens to be another buyer out there who also likes it. In fact, both of these buyers make offers, as does another buyer, and maybe one more. Multiple offers are very common this season and it doesn't seem to matter if it's for a listing new on the market or several months on the market, multiples are popping up everywhere.